
New housemates tonight! But first…

The HMs are being punished for protesting yesterday, and BB has stolen their furniture. Rod is angry, of course. ‘I never did nothing,’ says Lisa. Oh, do one. Anyway, then Marcus has to do his ex-HM challenge. He has the electro suit one, with Rex. Lisa hates Rex, and Marcus says he should punch him – sort of in jest. Rex does a shit job on purpose, and electrocutes everyone. Marcus pisses himself. Noirin cries with the pain. HAHA. Freddie then complains to the diary room that his electrodes aren’t working, but then they do. ‘She’s proper crying, Rex, you should do it properly,’ Marcus warns him. ‘I am trying. It’s hard. I don’t think I’ve ever been so shit about something. It’s not me.’ says Rex. Then they discuss how much they hate Lisa. Noirin is sobbing so much, she almost takes her suit off. Then Lisa and Freddie spat. But Marcus takes his turn, and does really well. He passes, but because everyone else did so badly over the week, they have failed overall anyway.

Charlie is getting a treat. He has asked for a McDonald’s. We are told that Sophie is having a treat of seeing her chiuaua tomorrow. In fact, they are all offered treats, in return for tokens. Noirin and Lisa, however, are punished for taking their suits off, and don’t get prizes. Except that Marcus wants a date with Noirin for his prize (THAT’S A TREAT FOR HER, RIGHT?) and Karly gives Lisa her fags. (Although Karly can’t get the matches to work, and BB won’t give her a lighter, and she cries.) Can’t they light one of the hob? Well, that’s what Marcus is doing, and he gets them to light and he’s a hero.

(Noirin is definitely leaving tonight. She is being booed to shit.)

The boys all dress up in women’s clothes, then Rodrigo and Charlie argue, water is thrown, so Rod pours oil all over Charlie’s bed and clothes. Rod is called to the diary room, and is chastised. Still, Rod admits he was wrong, and says, accurately, that he and Charlie are like two children who take things too far. Charlie is also told off. Their arguments are just weird. So, lines are closed, but WHO IS GOING IN?

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