You are like rebel

Ring the alarum! Marcus, Siavash and Freddie won’t get up. Oh, BB *did* ring the alarum, and they didn’t get up. So they are reprimanded in the diary room. (If I were a BB contestant, I wouldn’t bother getting up either, whatever alarm they played.) They all try to sleep in the diary room, so BB plays the crying baby noises at them as loud as possible without actually exploding their eardrums. Siavash disconnects the diary room speaker somehow, so they can only hear BB in a muffled way. BB gets angry. Eventually, the speaker is rectified, but the HMs are about to get punished. They are sent to jail. ‘You spend most of your time in that jail,’ Sophie says to Marcus. Anyway, because it’s sunny, and they don’t want to drink lotd of water because BB doesn’t give them many toilet breaks, they leave jail and go to the kitchen. Charlie (not very interestingly) encourages the rebellion. This is because he wants them to be punished further, I’d guess. BB keeps calling them to the diary room, but they ignore her. ‘People are too cocksure,’ says Lisa, the biggest Cock Sure of them all.

‘BB does not appreciate being spoken to with disrespect,’ says BB. ‘You speak to us like children!’ says Freddie, which is true. Bea thinks that Freddie is being led by Marcus. Anyway, he is annoyed, she is spiky, it’s all blah. BB then announces that all HMs will be punished for their misdemeanours. Lisa in particular hates this – well, she would. She must know that she’s on her way out. HATEFUL SLAPHEAD. ‘They’re just babies,’ says Lisa, who, let’s not forget, is proud of living on the dole through choice. ‘Don’t you care about the group?’ Rodrigo asks the naughty trio. ‘There’s nothing we can do,’ says Siavash. ‘We want to enjoy and have a nice time,’ says Rodrigo. ‘The punishment’s already done,’ says Freddie.

Anyway, they go to eat their lunch or whatever at the dining table, and Lisa and David eat theirs alone in the kitchen. Lisa is appalled at the other three, ‘acting like they’re a group.’ They are a group! And also, the dining table is for eating off. FFS. Then the kitchen in locked and all their food is taken away. Siavash apologises to the others. ‘I’m not bothered about the food, it’s the morals,’ says Mr Blobby David. ‘At least he said sorry,’ says Lisa. ‘Sorry’s just a word,’ says David, presumably because he’s had to say it so much in his sad old life that it’s become meaningless. Then Bea and Freddie have words, and Bea and David hug. What? Well, they do. Their food is going to be replaced with basic rations again. Good. David needs to lose weight. From his head.

Despite earlier stating that she didn’t want to do any ‘navel gazing’, Bea and Freddie discuss today and last night. ‘I think you’re bored. You’re looking for issues.’ She also says he’s paranoid. But he’s right to be suspicious of her. She is a shit stirrer, and I’m glad he’s coming round to realise it. The sad thing is that he wants to change it, and that cannot be done. ‘You’re not as clever as you think you are,’ she says. ‘everything she says is right,’ says David. This is so weird. I must admit, I’ve been flitting in and out of viewing over the last few days due to stuff going on elsewhere, and watching tonight, it’s almost like they’ve restarted the programme, complete with new allegiances and peeves. Very odd.

Anyway, the HMs go to bed, and Bea says that she doesn’t want to waste her sleep by talking to Freddie, then goes off on one when he tries to get to sleep and says that ‘people care more about their dinner than his issues with the diary room’. Gosh, she is a nasty piece of work, isn’t she?

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