Rodrigo starts the day in non-confrontational mood, when Freddie wakes up and goes to apologise for twatty behaviour. He tells Freddie off and complains about the food, and then Charlie tells Freddie that his apology means nothing as “it’s Bea’s apology, Bea told you to do it.” Lisa then chips her bit in, and asks Freddie to stop mocking her if she’s up for eviction. It’s all a bit OTT, frankly, and just marketing aimed at bringing Freddie down. Freddie then, upset, chats to Siavash and Marcus about Bea’s tirade in the bedroom last night, about the fact that she clearly and obviously spoke loudly to ensure that the rest of house heard it. And then, in the bedroom, Marcus accuses Siavash of engineering situations to make Freddie look awful! This is scheme-tastic, every housemate suddenly smelling rats left right and centre, and deciding to try and out them. They can see the finish line, now, and they want the money. “It’s not real life, Freddie, this is a game,” Marcus tells him, and he’s absolutely right about that, but not about Siavash, who I still want to win.

So, Freddie goes back to bed, sad and contemplative, and then Bea comes in. Freddie asks if she really thought that he was picking on Lisa, and she says No. He asks if people are paranoid about his intelligence – and, really, calm down, Freddie, or you’ll get a big head. “Are you going to, for the third day, maintain negativity?” asks Bea, and he tells her that he won’t. Then she gets really angry and tells him that he is picking on her, and meddling, and sowing seeds of doubt in other people’s minds. I’m sorry, did I miss something? He’s a prat, sure, but he’s not machiavellian! She challenges him to go and ask other people what she says about him, raises her voice, starts crying, and it’s all acting and bullshit. “Why do you need to get somebody to this point?” she asks, and he tells her that he feels bad, “seeing the honesty in you” or some wank like that. Fucking Bea. How can anybody like her? Seriously? So, Freddie goes to the diary room and sobs because he’s been made to feel dreadful.

So, the ‘punishment’ for being naughty is finally revealed: the housemates are allowed to discuss all nominations, past, present and future. So they do. Siavash comes clean about nomming Freddie in Week 1, Charlie says that he nommed Rodrigo weeks back after they had a fight. Bea and Lisa then discuss who they’re nomming, and Bea leads. “Marcus and Freddie,” she says, and Lisa agrees. What a bitch. So, then, noms happen, and Bea is true to her word. OH NO WAIT SHE’S NOT. She calls Marcus a “crackpot” and noms him, and then noms David instead of Freddie. David noms Freddie and Marcus as well, and then starts crying because Marcus hasn’t apologised about breaking the rules and getting their luxury food taken away. Well, he’s sad about the loss of food, right? His 32-inch waist needs feeding. Basically, everyone votes for Freddie and Marcus (which Marcus is fine with, as he wants to go home, apparently).

(Oh, God, it’s that wanker in the Vodafone advert singing Total Eclipse Of The Heart again. He’s a cunt, he really is, and he thinks that he’s amazing. He is. If you’re reading this, you wanker? Fuck off.)

Sophie wonders if her boobs have grown – they haven’t, but she has put on a bit of weight, poor thing – but that is less interesting than Bea and Freddie having yet more discussions in the bedroom. Bea can’t get over Freddie thinking bad things about her or something. Freddie gets upset and anxious, and then Bea tells him that she finds him “negative” and deals with all negative people in the same way – she gets far away from them. She’s trying to work him up, to make him angry and explode or something. This is hatefully focussed, and utterly unpleasant. If the rest of the UK sees what we at BB Towers see, she’ll be torn apart when she gets out. “I don’t want to be picking anything up off you,” she tells him, after mentioning that she wants to move her bed away from his. WHAT? How OTT is she? Also, she’s slept with fucktons of people! She’s FAR more likely to have some horrific disease than him! Then Freddie cries loads, and Siavash goes in to see if he’s okay, and Freddie says that he feels “emotionally terrorised” – THE BEST PHRASE I HAVE EVER HEARD (since Richard the Sexual Terrorist). Freddie sobs and sobs, and we here at BB Towers feel horribly sad for him. Siavash comforts him, and calls her a bully, which she absolutely is. And to think that I used to hate Lisa more!

Freddie cries for ages and then Bea hears that he’s devastated, so goes into the bedroom to tell him that she didn’t intend to upset him. Freddie throws back what she said at her, and she denies ever saying it! HA HA HA HA! She’s fucking delusional! “It’s all on camera, you watch it back!” he says, and she denies it, and then he tells her to leave him alone. Wow. He goes all Henry V/Exorcist again, and that’s very funny, but, you know, she’s a fucking mental. She then leaves and tells Marcus one part of the conversation – when Freddie said that Bea’s voice was giving him a panic attack – and gets Marcus involved. Then she gets Siavash involved, and tells a lie, saying that Freddie claimed that the house were angry with Bea’s negativity, and it’s all too much for us here. She’s awful. Horrendous. One of the least pleasant housemates to have ever crossed this threshold.

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