
Highlights! I think we all know that Marcus will go tonight (though the crowd are screaming to Get Bea Out!), so the programme makers focus the day instead with the aftermath of Freddie/Bea and Charlie’s arguments last night. I shan’t detail it, but safe to say Bea is back to her old tricks.

Marcus is given a HUGE bag of fanmail, and the other HMs are amused and horrified (because, of course, they assume he is hated here, not realising that Bea is possibly one of the most hated HMs for a long time). Even Marcus has the good grace to laugh hard when BB delivers it to him, along with a camera so he can take signed pics for his fans. Charlie takes the pics for him.

Have you noticed how little airtime Sophie and Siavash have got in the last few days? Funny, given that they are very likely to be potential finalists this year.

Sophie (thought better of her), Bea and David decide to hide Freddie’s tea. This is unbelievably petty, though exactly the sort of ‘prank’ that they would pull. Anyway, BB tells David off a bit for hiding the tea in the diary room. David blames the other two. *rolls eyes* He lies to Rodrigo about why he ws called to the diary room, and replaces the tea. He does tell Sophie, Lisa and Bea though. ‘Are we made out to be bullies on the outside?’ asks Sophie, which is funny, because she’s the only one who isn’t. Privately, Lisa advises not to get involved with Freddie and Bea. It’s a shame no one’s advising Sophie to do the same: this is bringing out a bad side to her.

Moving on to the treats: Siavash has been given another suitcase of his other clothes (HA!), Lisa given fags, papers and lighters, and Charlie gets to listen to Girls Aloud in the diary room. Apart from Siavash’s and Marcus’s, those treats are a bit shit. (I suppose Lisa’s is good for her, but it’s so bloody predictable.) David suggests Freddie’s treat will be a trip to ‘West Downing Street.’

Also, Bea has just announced that the Wetherspoon’s in Bristol is ‘pretty banging’. Right. Freddie also reveals his best chat up line is ‘I really, really lie salad,’ because people don’t know what to make of it.

Marcus reads out his reply to his fanmail. It is hilarious. ‘I’m glad someone appreciates me more than this fucking production team,’ he reads. ‘All the fucking best, Marcus.’ Love it. In some ways, I’ll be sad to see him go. Then they play with a spacehopper and Lisa and Bea complain it’ll be taken away, then moan about everyone else behind their backs. David is oddly objective when Bea complains that Freddie dared to speak to her while they were smoking. ‘He might just be trying with you,’ David suggests. I’d love Lisa to hear what Bea said about her the other day – you know, her benefit rant? Yeah. Then Freddie and David and Lisa and Marcus have some harmonious moments when they’re a bit nice to each other.

GOODNESS ME. Freddie has been evicted. It must have been nearly 50/50, right? He takes his eviction well, but I worry about the smugg effect this will have on Bea. Let’s just hope she gets om nom nommed next week.

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