Will you be a dog?

A brief post tonight! Firstly, David fails to identify Marcus’s mum as part of the task, but they still manage to pass anyway. Good. So the task ends. There’s already been an argument about chicken nuggets today. Then David and Bea have a fag outside, and they hear someone say something over the wall. To me, it sounded like ‘Get Bea out’, but I didn’t hear it as well as Bea did, clearly, as she instantly remarks to David that it sounded like ‘Get David out.’ Hm. Anyway, they are called into the house, and a row breaks out between them, he because he thinks (probably correctly) that she’s trying to upset him and make him insecure, and she because she absolutely swears that that’s what she heard. Then the argument from yesterday, about Bea nomming him, returns.

Also, despite Sophie complaining that Rod is a noisy eater, Sophie gnashes almost disgustingly when she’s eating her sausages. Sophie is pissed, and falls off her bed. ‘I feel sad,’ she says, laughing. Siavash gives her a glass of water. ‘Is it wine?’ she asks, and drinks. They ask Siavash to do dog noises, but he doesn’t. Haha.

Anyway, BB Towers will be away/internet-less for a little while, but keep your eyes peeled for our next updates! My money’s on Bea to go tomorrow. Who’s yours on?

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